
April 2024

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In today’s ever-shifting economic landscape, the costs associated with bringing up a child can feel as daunting as they are delightful. From the very first nappy to the last school uniform they’ll wear at 18, every parent should be aware of the financial journey that lies ahead. But just how much does it really cost...
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The UK mortgage market is currently experiencing a tumultuous period, reminiscent of clothes tumbling in a spin dryer. Global events, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and escalating tensions in the Middle East, have significantly unsettled the market. This week, four major lenders announced increases in their mortgage rates, marking a disappointing start and creating...
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With the fluctuating economy and varying interest rates, homeowners are constantly seeking ways to manage their finances more effectively. One strategy that often comes up in discussions is making overpayments on mortgages. While it might seem like a straightforward decision, there are several factors to consider to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and...
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As the UK grapples with its economic adjustments, recent inflation data suggests that the Bank of England (BoE) might have to delay its anticipated rate cuts, potentially pushing them back to later this year or even into the third quarter. The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures indicate a persistence of higher-than-expected inflation rates, raising...
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